A free and open source for materials to support and inspire your mentorship program. Resources designed to inspire possibility thinking, to build the skills in trusted adult relationship-based mentorship, and to support kids of all ages to build their leadership skills and confidence. 

Supporting developmental relationships and mentorship

Photo by Alexis Brown

Building confidence and leadership in kids and leaders of all ages

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Free tools and resources for individuals and organizations

Photo by Emmanuel Ikwuegbu on Unsplash

Future Possibilities for Kids (FPK) Concludes its Journey of Empowering Young Leaders, Inspiring Other Organizations to Continue the Work

Future Possibilities for Kids

Established in 2001, Future Possibilities for Kids (FPK) empowered young people between the ages of 9 and 12 to recognize their leadership potential and create positive change in their communities, serving over 6,000 children. FPK's programs equipped participants with essential life skills and fostered self-confidence, self-awareness and resiliency. Now, FPK is sharing their methodologies, approaches, program plans, and templates in the hopes that others can benefit from the over 20 years of history.

What is it?

FPK's programs were based on supporting trusted adult mentorship-style relationships between volunteer mentors and children between the ages of 9 and 12. These programs included recruiting and training mentors based on the Developmental Relationship Framework as described by The Search Institute. The framework has five strategies that help young people thrive by deepening and strengthening relationships. 

Additionally, FPK's programs focused on leadership and goal setting, encouraging kids to set goals of contribution whereby the kids led the goal setting and created positive community change. FPK's focus on possibility thinking was proven to support the development of confidence, adaptability and leadership skills in the kids.

How can it be used?

While FPK's programs focused on children between 9 and 12 years old and community contribution, the approach, materials and methodologies can be adapted to suit any scenario that would benefit from goal setting, leadership development, and strong adult-child relationships. Consider education-based goals and a tutor relationship, or a coach-athlete relationship. The possibilities are endless. FPK’s materials, such as the Kids Activity Books and KidCoach training, are also potentially applicable to other organizations’ work.

The Open Source Project

Through this website, FPK is opening up our program planning, communiation materials, training materials, and evaluation materials to everyone for your use, free of charge. Please adapt and adopt the materials as you see fit. It is our hope that through this project, others will be inspired and will benefit from FPK's work.


FPK extends deep gratitude to all those who have generously contributed, volunteered, and supported the Kids and KidCoaches over the years. In particular, FPK would like to thank co-founders Harry and Geri Berholz for their special contributions over many years.

FPK takes immense pride in the more than two decades of community-led work that has positively impacted countless young lives. The journey of Future Possibilities for Kids has been marked by resilience, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to empowering young leaders. Despite the end of programming at FPK, we remain hopeful of a future where FPK’s legacy lives on through other organizations and program. We eagerly anticipate future iterations of FPK’s programming as we collectively reimagine how communities can continue to benefit from FPK’s methodologies and programs through alternate delivery models.

We wish you all the best as you engage in possibility thinking!

Find Out More about each Program Below:

Photo by Adam Winger

View or Download All FPK Files Here (Access through Google Drive)

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