Future Possibilities for Kids

Email: info@fpcanada.org

Above and Beyond: Community Supporters Raise $59,000 for FPK!

This past April we launched the Breaking Barriers campaign and thanks to your generosity, and Possibility Thinking, we were able to surpass our $50,000 goal–by a whole $9,000!

This funding will help break barriers for over 500 children from under-served communities and will give them the chance to join our programs in the upcoming year. As a result, your support will help to build over 500 confident and capable leaders who will inspire others by achieving amazing community service projects.

By giving children and youth the tools they need to succeed, the confidence to believe in themselves and connecting them with adults who encourage and support them, they can achieve remarkable things! They will be the leaders who will change our world.

A special thank you to our KidCoach Co-Chairs, Amanda Cupido, Phil Levy, Gizele Mirasol and Jordan Thomson, who helped to engage our volunteers and shared the campaign with others. As well, a huge thank you goes to our team of Ambassadors below. Also, big thanks to our Board of Directors, volunteers, community partners, supporters and friends who generously gave so this goal could be achieved. We couldn’t have done it without you!

o Komal Abbasi
o Aaron Baer
o Liz Bojarski
o Kelsey Boyer
o Brandon Couldrey
o Camille de Lacy
o Paige Ellis
o Kelsey Haywood
o Jess Jagpal
o Donna Katona
o Aasim Khan
o Angelina Londono
o Victoria Miller
o Luc Mongeau
o Chirag Murabia
o Eric Nguyen
o Purni Rahman
o Nicole Siena
o Krystal Snider
o Michelle Sundvick
o Jenn Wu
o Sheri Yamasaki
o Saida Zenagui

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